Select News Stories (From COL - Thanks!) Personal stories, experiences, kvetches...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Rabbis (B)Log Dec 19, 2008

Sunday – December 14, 2008 – The Chabad House in Lancaster hosted a JLI class at 10:00am. Cake needed to be cut, grapes washed, mint candies put out. Projector set up for the presentation. Will the class like the Kabbalah-toons? Time will tell.


Last week a cabinet in York fell off the wall. Called the contractor to put it back up, he said he will be there at 12:00pm today (Sunday). JLI class participants stayed behind to discuss, and I forgot about the appt in York. I remembered at 11:30 and called the contractor to see if he was still coming. He wasn't! He told me that he will be there tomorrow night. So I stayed and discussed.


Sunday evening, the York JLI class got together at Fran's. (Thank you!). My brother and sister in law came from Balti to come to the class. Including them, we had a bunch of people (9 or 10). I think everyone loved the KaballahToons. I forgot to show "Feivel goes Wacko". Have to remember to do it next time. I also forgot to make the announcement about "If you like the class, please consider donating 10-15 dollars to help pay for the course" at both Lancaster & York.

Oh well. It's not about money, right? I will send out emails maybe some of them will read it.


Monday was Pizza and Parsha at Lancaster at Noon. It is also the day that Marissa comes to help out at the Chabad house. She cleans the whole house and gets it ready for the next Shabbat. After working on paperwork and writing, I had to go back to York to meet the contractor. He called 10 min after he was supposed to be there to say he cant come today, but will be there tomorrow, same time.


Tuesday was when Shira had to be in Philly to participate in the ceremony of becoming a citizen. (Yes, she is now a US citizen.) So I get to drive the kids to Balti for school. I drove there, drove back to York for a meeting at 10:00am, drove back to Balti cause the weather was turning ugly and was worried that they may call me to pick up the kids. Hung out at the JCC café, working on the computer, shopping, and so on. Picked up MM from day care. He was happy to see me and sang the wheels on the bus for about 15 minutes. I didn't mind. I could listen to him sing  much longer.. Contractor showed up on time, put the cabinet back up, reinforced the others and left.


Wednesday – I had a Lunch and Learn in Lancaster. Worked on paperwork, the mortgage broker called me to tell me that the time has come to refinance, did more paperwork, called some students, emails, and worked on Chanukah Bowling Party. We did some learning on the phone. Opened some holiday cards. One had "merry Chri…Whoops Happy Chanukah" written on it.


Thursday – Menachem Mendel woke up feeling a bit sick, so I hung out at York with the computer in case he needed me. Called bowling supply companies, trying to figure out how to make a bowling pin menorah. I think I got it. Went to Lancaster in the evening for the JCC Rededication. Was honored with helping to put up the mezuzah, but was little for me to do. I think putting up a menorah is a one man job. I got to meet some very nice people and see old friends. I think they did a very nice job renovating it. I got a call from a woman who wanted me to deliver a menorah today for her daughter to take to school to show everyone. No problem.



Friday – Esti had an appt in Lancaster so I get to hang out with her all day! I actually wrote most of this week's email while waiting 90 minutes in the waiting room.


We got so many thank yous for the Chanukah Magazine we put out. Some people wanted us to send it to their relatives. Two families wanted us to take them off our list. No problem to all of them.

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