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Friday, July 09, 2010

Watch your mouth! - Chabad Newsletter

Chabad News
 Friday, July 9, 2010
 27 Tamuz, 2010
Candlelighting time (17603) 8:19pm.
We are looking for some last minute Shabbat guests for tonight...if you would like to come please call 717-368-6565
Bimah  Announcements"
1. Cultivating Sensitivity - The Torah's view on caring for our world.

Fee: $7
At the Lancaster JCC.
Stay tuned for future educational offerings at the JCC starting in October!
 2. July  12 - Lunch and Learn at Weinstein's Realty.  (York)

Topic "Can humanity destroy the world through our disregard for the environment?"
Through the lens of Torah.
Fee: $10 Lunch included
12:00 - 1:00
15 North Cherry Lane
Next Lunch and Learn is August 30th!


3. Hebrew Classes/tutoring forming (Lancaster & York)

Ever wanted to learn Hebrew? Here is a chance to learn.
We are forming classes to study Hebrew.
No formal Hebrew education is necessary.
There will be two "stages".

Stage 1 - Learn the Aleph Bet and how to read.
Stage 2- Conversational Hebrew Primer - Start and expand your Hebrew vocabulary
Location and Dates will be announced.

Personal Tutoring is available. Please contact us for more information.

4.A closer Look at the Torah Portion
For many months now, we have been getting together to discuss the ideas found in the weekly Torah portion. We debate, discuss, and agree to disagree.
Shabbat Afternoons in Lancaster, and Wednesday evenings in York.
RSVP to if you would like to come.

5. An Analysis of the 13 principles of faith written by Maimonides .
Join us as we get together to read and analyze what Maimonides wrote and how it applies in our life.  This Tuesday at the Lanc JCC.
This Week at
Seasons of the Soul
The Three Weeks and Tisha B'Av
The "Three Weeks" and Tisha b'Av are designated as a time of mourning over the destruction of the Holy Temple and the galut (exile).
Video & Audio
Good Insanity - Bad Insanity
It is generally not a good idea to be unreasonable. But the irrational has its place in life as well. What is "good craziness" and when is it appropriate?
Milestones or Tombstones
Why are these forty-two pit stops referred to as "journeys," rather than "encampments"? Weren't each of these destinations milestones reached, not just locations left behind?
Soldier, Survivor Have Emotional Reunion
"I have traveled thousands of miles without seeing a Jewish child." Then he stooped down, lifted the boy and danced around the room with him. Neither man ever forgot that day...

Chabad-Lubavitch News from Around the World
Counseling Rabbi Uses Friday Night Meals to Aid Recovery
It all started with a phone call from a person in need, but 10 years later, a Jewish family's embrace of recovering drug and alcohol addicts has an Eastern Pennsylvania treatment center extolling the virtues of Friday night dinner.
New Mikvah Marks New Orleans' Jewish Rebirth
Five years after Hurricane Katrina swept through New Orleans, members of the city's hard-hit Jewish community are pointing to the grand-opening of a ritual bath as evidence of the region's continuing rebirth.
Florida Partners With Aleph to Bring Kosher Food to Prisoners
Following a directive from Florida Gov. Charlie Crist to the state's Department of Corrections, inmates will soon be able to sign onto a kosher food plan supervised by the Bal Harbour-based Aleph Institute.
Rabbinical Soccer Match Tests Cape Town Turf
When a group of Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis took to the pitch of Cape Town Stadium to face off against the Ikapa Sporting Football Club, they were the first team to play on a field made famous four months later by the 2010 World Cup.
 Rabbi's Thought
Watch your mouth.
Not to start  off "preachy" but the thought that I would like to share with you (as well as myself!) to be careful with what you say.
Sometimes we just don't realize the power of our words.
There is a famous story about a group of observant Jews who were visiting a restaurant and before allowing themselves to eat the food they inquired about specific details about the source of the meat and the kosher standards of the kitchen.
   When they were satisfied with the quality of the kashrut certification, they sat down to their meal, where they proceeded (to drink a tad much and) loudly bad mouth many of their "friends".
The waiter told them "You should be as careful about what comes out of your mouth as you are about what goes into your mouth".
(I am guessing that since he gave them a "tip", he didn't get tipped too much!)
This week the Torah talks about how careful we have to be when we talk and the procedure one must go through in order to have an oath or commitment to be annulled or vetoed.
We really have to be careful of what we say.
Last week we learned how the only person on the planet who was able to hurt us was BIlaam , the evil prophet who utilized his power of speech to curse people for money.  When hired to curse the Jews,  G-d changed his curses to blessings and they remain very powerful and fundamental to Judaism. One of his blessings became standard in the liturgy and another is one of the only times where the Torah alludes to the coming of Moshiach, which Maimonides defines as one of the 13 fundamental principles of faith in Judaism.
G-d was watching what Bilaam says.
The power of speech is prevalent throughout the story of Bilaam. The Torah records that his donkey spoke to him. 
The power of Speech is really the only way we have to reach another person. Even when we write and sometimes when think to ourselves we need to put it into "words" which are ready to be spoken.
G-d created the world with his Speech, because he was dealing with creating something "outside" himself. . He created us in his image. Can you imagine how powerful our speech is?
The famous saying "the word travels farther and injures more than an arrow" also speaks to the potential power that speech has.
The story is told that the Temple was destroyed because of "loshon Hora" malicious slander or gossip.
And the reverse is also true. With one comment, one phone call, one nice word we can turn somone's day into a good one.
 My blessing for this week is "May we always remember to give each other only good days".

Good Shabbos!
Quote of the Day

Why [are mourners fed] lentils? Just as the lentil has no mouth, so is the mourner speechless...Just as the lentil is round, so mourning comes round to all the inhabitants of this world
- Talmud, Bava Batra 16b

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Chabad Jewish Enrichment Center | 620 Race Avenue | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 15 North Cherry Lane | York | PA | 17403

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